5 Overlooked Mistakes That Are Stressing You Out as a Homeschool Mom (& How to Fix Them)

If you’re like most homeschool moms, you likely set out on this homeschool journey full of excitement, determined to give your kids the best education and life experiences possible. But somewhere along the way, that excitement waned (you’re not even sure when), and now you feel stressed, overwhelmed, and maybe even questioning if you’re enough.

You’re not alone! Been there done that.

After years of homeschooling and coaching other homeschool moms, I’ve learned that the things causing the most stress often fly under the radar because we don’t give focused attention to things that aren’t demanding our attention.

But once we identify these “unidentified flying under the radar objects”, we can make tiny shifts to move toward enjoying our homeschool lives again, so they’re not stressing you out as a homeschool mom.

Join me to explore the five overlooked mistakes that may be contributing to your overwhelm, and more importantly, how you can start overcoming them.

12 essential tips for homeschool moms to lower stress and create a more peaceful, productive homeschool routine...these 5 common mistakes don't have to be Stressing You Out as a Homeschool Mom

So what’s stressing you out as a homeschool mom? Possibly these things…

Mistake #1: Trying to Do Everything Perfectly

This is a common refrain in the homeschool community—setting high expectations for the ideal curriculum, a flawlessly executed, robust routine, an Instagram-worthy homeschool space, and trying to be emotionally available 24/7. But here’s the hard truth: perfectionism is a happiness killer.

When we strive for perfection, nothing ever feels “good enough,” and we end up stressed and exhausted.

What to do instead: Ask yourself this simple question: What really matters? Prioritize meaningful experiences with your kids, and let go of the rest.

Progress over perfection is the only option. At the end of your homeschool journey, you’ll discover, like the rest of graduated homeschool mom-dom, that perfection wasn’t required, couldn’t be accomplished, and was never your goal anyway.

Mistake #2: Over-Scheduling

As homeschool moms, we want to offer our kids everything—music lessons, sports, extracurriculars, and of course, academic subjects. (Sometimes we want to give them what we didn’t have).

However, packing too many activities into your day is a recipe for burnout. I’ve been guilty of this myself, filling every minute with “productive” activities, only to end the day stressed and irritated.

What to do instead: Simplify your schedule. Choose fewer, more meaningful activities that align with your family’s values. Give your kids—and yourself—the space to explore, learn, and just be.

One practical tool I love is creating a “non-negotiables” list. Write down the 2–3 activities or subjects that matter most to your homeschool, then delete the rest. This lets you focus on what truly moves the needle for your kid’s growth and joy (and yours too!)

Stressing You Out as a Homeschool Mom

Mistake #3: Ignoring Your Needs

We’ve all heard it before: “You can’t pour from an empty cup.” (It’s a cliche metaphor, but it’s also accurate).

And yet, how often do we, as homeschool moms, put our needs aside? I’m calling you out because I know you do!

You’re a human being too, and all humans have basic self-care needs to survive, intermediate needs to be “okay”, and advanced needs if you want to thrive.

Ignoring your needs is a fast track to resentment and burnout.

What to do instead: Make self-care a requirement in your life. It could be as simple as 10 minutes of journaling each morning, a quiet walk, or an uninterrupted cup of tea in the afternoon (quietly inside your closet).

If you’re ready to go deeper into a journey of renewal, I invite you to join me for the Reimagine & Renew Retreat on October 5 & 6–designed for homeschool moms.

This retreat is designed to carve out time for YOU, to reconnect with yourself, to clarify your intentions in your homeschool day, and to begin to build your purpose beyond homeschooling.

You’ll get the space to reflect, recharge, and come away with practical tools for nurturing yourself, so you can show up for your family with deeper intention and greater satisfaction.

The retreat includes a pre-retreat virtual coaching session, a signed copy of my book, Homeschool Mama Self-Care: Nurturing the Nurturer, and so much more. The first 8 moms to register will also get free access to the Confident Homeschool Mom Collective for one month—a space where you can continue to build connection and support.

Mistake #4: Comparing Yourself to Others

Nothing drains your confidence & joy faster than comparing your homeschool (or life) to someone else’s.

You are exactly who you are meant to be. And so are your kids.

Your homeschool space is exactly as pretty and pristine as it should be — just as it is.

Your ability to enact a routine (or desire to even enact it) is as it should be. Maybe you don’t want the predictable routine like everyone else, maybe your ADHD prevents you from flawless consistency, despite doing four-hour deep dives into Settlers of Cattan.

You be you, girlfriend!

What to do instead: Own you. Own who you are, who your kids are, and shift your focus to your unique homeschool family journey. Every family is different, and so is every homeschool.

Mistake #5: Lack of Flexibility

If you’re anything like me, you probably began homeschooling with a beautiful plan—one that lasted all of three days before the complexity of real life took over. (ps I still tried to force through until year 3 or 4, ha).

And though you deeply desire to have perfect continuity in your homeschool, you discovered that when you attempt to be rigid about that, it only leads to unnecessary stress and frustration (ask me how I know).

What to do instead: Lean into flexibility. Regularly assess your routine, curriculum choices, and extracurricular activities to see if they’re still working for your kids and your family. Be willing to course correct when necessary, and trust that it’s okay to change course if something isn’t working.

Homeschool Mama Retreat in your own home to help you so you're not stressing out as a Homeschool Mom

Homeschooling is an incredible journey, but it’s also one that requires a routine, honest evaluation to clarify whether what you’re doing is really working—both for your kids and for yourself.

Assessing these common mistakes and making small shifts, you can reduce stress and increase your fulfillment.

If you’re ready to take a step toward your renewal, confidence, and clarity, consider joining me for the Reimagine & Renew Retreat. It’s your chance to break free from overwhelm, rediscover your passion for this homeschool life, and equip yourself with the tools you need to nurture the nurturer.

Homeschool Mama Mini-Retreat so these 5 mistakes don't have to be Stressing You Out as a Homeschool Mom

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Teresa Wiedrick

I help homeschool mamas shed what’s not working in their homeschool & life so they can show up authentically, purposefully, and confidently in their homeschool & life.

Call to Adventure by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/3470-call-to-adventure
License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/